Understanding Age Requirements for Car Rentals in Dubai: A Complete Guide

The car rental industry in Dubai is growing alongside the increasing popularity of this destination among young tourists. For many of them, the question of whether you have to be 21 to rent a car in Dubai is extremely relevant.

This article will cover the main age-related requirements for driving and renting cars in the emirate, as well as fees and additional rules for young drivers in Dubai. Knowing these details will make it easier to plan the trip, and we will also share some tips for those who visit the country for the first time.

Minimum Age Requirement for Car Rentals in Dubai

The minimum age requirements for drivers have been a subject of active debates for quite a while now, leading to some confusion among tourists and even the residents of the country. Even though lowering the age restriction to sixteen was heavily pushed by the population, the authorities have not yet complied with the request. Right now, you have to be at least eighteen years old to drive a car in Dubai.

But while the requirement for driving is 18, you cannot rent a car until you are 21 years old. The regulations are rather strict, so no car rentals in Dubai provide their services to drivers younger than twenty-one.

At the same time, car rental companies in the emirate are able to implement additional rules setting this bar even higher. Many of them impose a stricter age requirement as a form of risk mitigation, and in some cases, the bar is raised all the way up to twenty-five years. Some companies even apply different requirements for various types of vehicles they offer. For example, a brand may rent out economy and compact cars to customers who are at least 21 years old, while the requirement for SUV and luxury cars may be twenty-five.

Drivers between the ages of 21 and 25 are recommended to choose a car rental company in advance, in order to ensure it will provide its services to such a young customer. Making the decision in advance or even booking the vehicle online will help you avoid spending extra time and effort during your trip to Dubai.


Additional Fees for Young Drivers

The legislation of the UAE does not imply any additional fees or surcharges that should be applied for young drivers. In general, the age of the customer does not play a role when it comes to costs of renting a car, however it does not mean the phenomenon does not exist.

Much like with the age requirements, some car rental companies in Dubai impose additional fees for drivers who are younger than twenty-five years old. The reasoning is the same, as it is a way for rentals to prevent losses that might occur due to the driving experience of younger customers being not as sufficient.

Requirements for New Drivers

Speaking of driving experience, it is obviously not obtained automatically as the person becomes older. It is reasonable for those who have acquired their driving licenses recently to look into restrictions and special considerations for new drivers, but the good news is that Dubai does not have any regulations for this matter.


Once again, some car rentals have specific rules that either prevent new drivers from renting certain types of vehicles or require them to pay additional fees, although it is not the case with the majority of companies in the niche. Nevertheless, it is once again recommended to select a specific rental company and perhaps even book a vehicle in advance.

Comparing Age Requirements with Other Countries

Compared to other countries, the UAE and Dubai in particular are rather not as loyal towards drivers in terms of age requirements as some other countries. Both the age requirement for getting a license and the limit for renting a car are higher than in many other destinations across the globe.

Here is a list of countries where you can rent a car from the age of 18:

  • Austria
  • Croatia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Sweden

Some destinations have the minimum age of 19 for renting a vehicle:

  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Norway
  • Slovakia
  • Switzerland

Just like Dubai, the following countries only allow you to rent a car if you are twenty-one:

  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Serbia
  • Spain
  • Most states of the U.S.

Some countries have minimum age requirements that do not fall in any of the previously mentioned categories:

  • Finland – 20 years old
  • The United Kingdom – 17 years old

Tips for Young and New Drivers Renting in Dubai

The first tip we can share with new and young drivers renting cars in Dubai has already been mentioned multiple times. It relates to choosing a car rental company and booking a vehicle in advance. Performing the research before the trip will surely save you time during your vacation, and for many tourists, this option becomes more convenient than renting a car on the spot. Many companies even offer delivery of rented cars, so it won’t be necessary to limit your options based on their vicinity.


It is common for visiting drivers to only briefly discover the rules and regulations, so it is recommended to at least download a navigation app that displays speed limits on every road in the emirate. Even though Dubai has enough directional signs, it is much more convenient and safe to get around with a mobile app.


Even though valet services are very common in the UAE, you will most likely need to park the vehicle yourself from time to time. This leads us to the next tip of learning about parking zones, areas, and related regulations before your visit. You can use this comprehensive guide to learn everything about parking in Dubai.


What is the minimum age to rent a car in Dubai?

The minimum age to rent a car in Dubai is twenty-one, although some rental companies may implement rules and restrictions setting this bar higher.

Are there any additional charges for drivers under a certain age?

In general, there are no additional charges for drivers under a certain age, but some rentals may introduce such fees nonetheless.

Can new drivers rent cars in Dubai, and what are the requirements?

New drivers can rent cars in Dubai, and there are no general requirements regarding their experience. Once again, the rental companies may have their own internal rules for this matter, so it is recommended to study the market in advance.

How do Dubai's age requirements for car rentals compare to other countries?

Compared to other countries, UAE and Dubai are in the group with the highest age requirements. Other countries with a minimum rental age of 21 include Spain, the United States, Greece, Netherlands, and more.


Drivers who are at least 21 years old can easily find an option to rent a car in Dubai. Even though there might be additional rules, restrictions, or fees implemented by rental companies on an individual level, there are still many options to choose from.

We recommend young and new drivers to select a rental and book a vehicle before the trip to avoid discovering these restrictions on the spot.


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