Alquiler Clase Compacta coches en Belek

  • Precio diario
  • Categoría
    • Hatchback (1)
  • Marca
    • Ford (1)
  • Color de la carrocería
    • Blanco (1)
  • Asientos
    • 5 (1)
  • Color del interior
    • Negro (1)
  • Tipo de combustible
    • Diésel (1)
  • Potencia
  • Tipo de tracción
    • Tracción delantera (1)
  • Transmisión
    • Manual (1)
  • edad mínima de conductor
Ford Fiesta Blanco 2023

Ford Fiesta Blanco 2023

75 hp
interior-colorColor del interior
$ 45/día

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Dennis Estrada
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We took it for the first time today, we really liked it, very good service, I recommend it to everyone
Wuling Air Ev Yellow 2023
Jason Thomas
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Decided to take the Morris Minor with my wife, it was just a super adventure. The car was delivered to the hotel Alila Villas Uluwatu, and we were really enjoying the atmosphere.
Morris Minor Blue 1970
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Dream of a convertible! In Bali rented red Smart Fortwo. The car is so small and maneuverable that parking was a pleasure. Rolled on the beach Kut, wind in your hair, the sun shines - what else do you need for happiness? Thanks for round-the-clock support, were always on the line.
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David Moore
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Rented a retro-Volkswagen Beetle and rode like a movie star. Delivered directly to the airport Denpasar, very convenient.
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Samuel Powell
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I was satisfied with the work. We took into account the wishes on the time of return of the car, the car was in good condition, promptly the employees are in touch and answer questions. Quality work
Hyundai Bayon White 2023
Larry Jones
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Great service! Recently contacted this place for a rental car. The staff is very polite. I will contact here more than once! If you need a rental car urgently, you can only come here!
Fiat Doblo Grey 2020
Thomas Watkins
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We took the car for the weekend, everything was perfect! The documents were processed quickly, the car was perfect, no pitfalls. I will contact again!
Ford Fiesta White 2023
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